Sunday, April 22, 2012

The "Plan"

Poland > England > Ireland > Spain > France > Switzerland > Croatia > Bosnia > Serbia > Netherlands > Germany > Poland

May 27th, 2012 - August 8th, 2012

Once Upon a Time...

It is with some anxiety that I write this first post. At the moment I am laying comfortably in my Burlington, Vermont apartment in my beautiful bed, in my beautiful room, in a beautiful Victorian house, filled with my beautiful roommates. Why the anxiety? Well if you noticed, the address for this blog is "kisses and kingdoms" which is supposed to give way to the idea that this blog will have some type of 'travel' theme. At the moment I've got about 13 days until graduation and less than a month until I jet-set to Poland and begin my backpacking adventure all around (and I avoid the word across because it is in a somewhat disorganised fashion that I'll travel) Europe. With this awesome freedom of course comes the sad goodbyes and the comfort I know all too well slipping through my finger tips. I am imagining that in about 2 months, in the end of June, I'll be sitting uncomfortably on an incredibly long train ride writing to you on this iPhone of mine, which has actually proven to be somewhat simple! (This was the test run).

One of my roommates who helped me come up with the name of this blog suggested that one of my first posts be about my expectations for the trip. Well, I've done that before... I studied abroad in Dublin, Ireland and upon leaving, wrote a long, winded post about how amazing it would be and how much traveling I would do. Well, with the details left aside, I will tell you that I was swept off my feet by a lovely Romanian man who changed my future and the time abroad was not what I had ever expected as a naive twenty year old. With that said I think I'll refrain from placing any expectations on this adventure whatsoever. After all this is a trip of discovery. This is the opportunity I have never had to travel and be free of any expectations, relationships, commitments or plans for that matter. My one true taste of freedom before the adult life that everyone refers to, begins. I will say, that I do expect to be poor and hungry and tired for most of the trip, and for a fair amount of time after. But I also expect to meet incredible people, laugh more than i ever have in my life, smile permanently, and fall in love upwards of six times with beautiful, accent ridden European men, get engaged and fulfill my friends guesstimates that there is only a 13% chance I will return. Only kidding... kind of. But seriously, this blog more of less is a focus on the incredible people I will meet along the way, and the organic path that any backpacking trip will inevitably take. Life lessons? Maybe. Graphic details of rendezvous? Definitely not. A travel blog about what I eat and where I go every step of the way? Sorry, move along. A glimpse of the world through the eyes 22 year old, American girl? You betcha! Hope you enjoy all that is to come and thanks for following!